Jan 2022 Update: Current GPX tracks are available at the TEAR overview and section pages.
Original post follows:
GPS routes for the current draft of the TEAR are now complete, with a few alternates included. The files were compiled together from already available online tracks for existing trails, as well as extensive use of route creation sites such as OpenRouteService and Google maps. Individual files were edited and combined into larger sectional tracks with free GPS editing software.
The official distance according to the GPX files is sitting at 6384 km (3990 mi), but this is likely a little low due to the tendency of GPX tracks to cut corners on tracks with sudden sharp turns (switchbacks).
Section 2 (Bulgaria to Albania) is shown in purple. This is the only section that doesn't make use of existing long distance paths, although local walking trails, multi-use paths, and mountain roads are used as much as possible.
The tracks above only seem to lack detail because of the large scale of view. The actual files are fairly accurate, as shown below.
With the route mainly figured out, the next steps are figuring out resupply options and analyzing the routes for water sources and dry stretches. Stay tuned!